How To Complain To Your Neighbors

Tuesday, 18 Dec 2012 09:24 AM

Imagine this. You live in an apartment building where your neighbor hosts weekday parties, and you constantly hear loud music or find dog poop in the hallway. What do you do if you have no doorman? Some call the cops, while others write an aggressive note or let the super write one. So what is the right thing to do?

A tipster spotted a note inside 808 Columbus and sent it to Curbed. The note perfectly shows you how to avoid further complications and possible aggression. It even helps you make new friends on the floor!

A mutual understanding of each other’s situation is essential to fixing the problem. Come over to ask for their understanding, while ensuring you understand their situation, too. Give recommendations on how to fix the problem and even offer free tools for the solution.

Who on earth then would not love a neighbor such as yourself? And who then would not quit smoking just for the sake of making such a neighbor happy? Well, the next time you write a letter complaining about an issue on your floor, keep this particular note in mind.

Heres the note:


Whomever it is on our floor smoking tons of weed each week, a few things:

  • We wholly support legalization and respect your choices.
  • Please respect our choices to keep our homes and children away from the smell of pot.
  • We would really appreciate it if you could avoid hours like dinnertime of the middle of the afternoon when kids are running about.
  • Keeping a (preferably wet) towel under your door is a really good way to keep smoke from seeping into the hall and other apartments (as it’s been doing).
  • If you don’t want to waste one of your towels, please accept this one with our compliments.

-- Your friendly neighbors

And may we add that according to Curbed, the towel was already gone. Mission accomplished.